Mutual Meetings Free training programme in person-centred care available to all online
Free training programme in person-centred care available to all online! All you need is some time, some pens and post-it-notes.
Ten training sessions
Using the online course, Mutual meetings, is free of charge. It is carried out in groups of four to six health and care professionals. The course guides the group, step by step, through theory, discussion and exercises, which can be implemented directly in their everyday work.
Questions raised during the course may for example be how far employees take into account the patients’ own expert knowledge of themselves, how well the patients’ perceptions of their symptoms are understood, and how joint care planning can be documented.
The three modules of the training — the partnership, the patient narrative and documentation — comprise a total of ten occasions lasting 50 minutes each. However, depending on the desired outcome, the training can be shortened. The sessions are always headed by someone in the group, either the same person every time or different individuals. Clear instructions on all this is included on the course web site.
Shorter hospital stays and greater trust
The transition to person-centred care is sometimes described as a paradigm shift in healthcare services. Research shows that person-centred care can reduce the length of patients’ hospital stays and inspire greater trust in the services among care recipients.
- Source:
- https://gpcc.gu.se/english/resources/mutual-meetings---online-education-in-person-centred-care