Jan. 10, 2022
Eastern Mediterranean
Engaging and empowering people and communities, Strengthening governance and accountability, Reorienting the model of care, Coordinating services within and across sectors, Creating an enabling environment
Person-centred care and short oral treatment for rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis improve retention in care in Kandahar, Afghanistan
Aknowledging that people living with TB face multiple challenges in addition to TB disease and that better access to new diagnostic or treatment tools alone cannot improve RR-TB care outcomes, person-centred care has been introduced as one of the pillars of the EndTB strategy, which calls for integration of health services, inclusion of social support as part of clinical care. Therefore, person-centred care delivery and treatment regimens were adapted to better fit specific contextual challenges and the needs of the target population, retention in care improved among people with RR-TB in Kandahar, Afghanistan.