April 29, 2021
Engaging and empowering people and communities, Strengthening governance and accountability, Reorienting the model of care, Coordinating services within and across sectors, Creating an enabling environment
Behavioral interventions in acute COVID-19 recovery: A new opportunity for integrated care
New York City was the epicenter of the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. Critically ill patients surviving prolonged ventilation, medical complications, and protracted delirium are profoundly debilitated. In response, our hospital temporarily created a novel, hybrid inpatient medicine-rehabilitation unit for COVID-19 survivors. Patients are medically monitored and work towards rehabilitation goals with daily physical and occupational therapy (PT/OT). To our knowledge, it is the only such unit in our region. Here, we describe how neuropsychology and consultation-liaison psychiatry have collaborated to implement interventions within this unit to facilitate patients' recovery.
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