IPCHS. Integrated People-Centred Health Services


Learn from real-life experiences with health services reform. We distinguish three types: emerging, promising and leading practices. Share your practice by clicking "Add practice".

May 19, 2016 Europe

Implementing an integrated cardiology programme in Eastern Lithuania to improve cardiovascular health

The initiative strengthened cardiovascular care in primary and secondary settings, providing new training and equipment to providers to establish infrastructure for improved cardiology care outside of specialist settings; a detailed situational analysis informed the initiative’s design and provided evidence supporting the intervention; strong leadership by senior management at Vilnius University Hospital provided technical expertise and generated stakeholder support, while backing from the Ministry of Health added legitimacy to activities; extensive engagement of providers from the beginning was necessary for overcoming an individualistic culture and building collaborative relationships; distribution of a standardized cardiology equipment package to participating locations established basic ...

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May 16, 2016 Europe

Shifting acute care delivery from hospitals to homes in Ireland

Community-based acute care services delivered by mobile nursing teams were introduced by Caredoc, a private nonprofit organization contracted by the Irish Health Services Executive; first-hand insights of providers enabled identification of services delivery challenges and supported development of relevant solutions; supportive senior management generated momentum for change and helped secure necessary approval for activities from authorities; stakeholder engagement was described as time consuming, but crucial to success; electronic medical records and new technologies facilitated the creation of a simple, connected and user-friendly service; training for nursing staff was important for establishing the necessary clinical competencies to deliver acute care services ...

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