IPCHS. Integrated People-Centred Health Services


Learn from real-life experiences with health services reform. We distinguish three types: emerging, promising and leading practices. Share your practice by clicking "Add practice".

Jan. 17, 2020 Americas

Comprehensive Primary Health Care Reform in Costa Rica

In the past, Costa Rica was characterized by a duplicative and fragmented public primary healthcare system. In 1994, the country initiated a sweeping reform of the health system, including primary health care. Bureaucratic reorganization of the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Social Security Agency (CCSS) led to the integration of all healthcare delivery under the CCSS, from public health activities to tertiary care. Comprehensive multidisciplinary primary healthcare teams (EBAIS)—comprised of a doctor, nurse assistant, community health worker, and data specialist—were created to care for approximately 5,000 patients each. A system of geographic empanelment was implemented to ...

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Aug. 9, 2017 Americas

Educating and empowering children to make healthy choices across Mexico

In Mexico, one in three children and adolescents are overweight or obese. This increases the risk of diabetes and hypertension, as well as learning and development issues. Additionally, many children are at risk of addiction, teenage pregnancy, and mental health issues.

“Health at your school” is a joint strategy between the Secretary of Public Education and the Secretary of Health (MoH) to address these health risks. It encourages children and adolescents to maintain a healthy body, avoid risky behaviors and acquire healthy habits, through five components: educate for health; curricular autonomy; professionals and students of health at your school; training ...

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March 2, 2017 Western Pacific

At Risk Individuals (ARI) programme, Counties Manukau Health (CMH) Auckland, New Zealand

The model of care provides early and planned interventions, establishes general practice as the centre of coordinated healthcare, provides care based on patient set goals and improves access to a range of specialist and community services; uses risk profiling as means to identify and judge patient eligibility; care goals are set and progress overseen by an assigned care coordinator; funded by flexible regime managed by the providers to ensure care goals can be achieved.

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Oct. 11, 2016 Europe

Strengthening community-based mental health services in Cyprus

New political commitments to mental health reform led the government to pass the Mental Health Act in 1997 to promote community-based mental health care; a wide variety of community-based mental health services have been made available, with emphasis on services for prevention, early treatment, rehabilitation and home care; advocacy from the health workforce motivated reforms and helped define the vision for care transformations; strategic timing was an important contributing factor in achieving political support for mental health reform; partnerships with NGOs and volunteer organizations helped expand the continuum of mental health care.

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Oct. 4, 2016 Europe

Integrating nutrition programmes in primary care in Kyrgyzstan

A programme to distribute micronutrient sprinkles, locally known as “Gulazyk”, was introduced with donor support. Following successful piloting of the programme, activities were scaled up nationally in 2011; aligning with existing infrastructure and services helped support and stabilize reforms implemented under the initiative; building trust between primary care providers and patients was essential for ensuring uptake of micronutrient supplementation; community health volunteers aided trust building; developing a consistent message across all providers, even those not directly involved with the initiative, safeguarded changes against being undermined at different care levels; encouraging participation of mothers and community members proved valuable in overcoming ...

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Oct. 4, 2016 Europe

Introducing community-based lifestyle clinics to improve population health in Malta

Lifestyle Clinics offering healthy-living support were introduced across Malta to expand availability of health promotion and disease prevention services; a motivated, multidisciplinary group of primary care professionals led the initiative through collaborative teamwork; the initiative capitalized on recent government policies supporting chronic disease prevention and a newly-established postgraduate community nursing programme; an initial information campaign helped raise awareness and gain public acceptance for new services; patients responded well to being offered a more active role in their health; further, patients play a key advocacy role in expanding the initiative.

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Sept. 7, 2016 Europe

Outpatient rehabilitation services for working-age patients with brain injuries in Bern, Switzerland

An outpatient rehabilitation centre specifically adapted to the needs of working-age patients recovering from brain injuries was opened in Bern; Direct clinical experience of the multi-professional leadership team helped draw awareness to service delivery gaps and aided the design of practical services to address observed needs; co-location of providers within the rehabilitation centre increased service coordination and improved access for patients, while external networking between providers helped generate referrals; gradual expansion of the initiative allowed time for sufficient resources to be collected and necessary partnerships to be established, ensuring steady and sustainable growth. 

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Sept. 7, 2016 Europe

Pioneering integrated organizational models for improving elderly people’s care in Ängelholm, Sweden

A new integrated care organization (Hälsostaden) was established to merge primary and hospital care with elderly and social care. Hälsostaden is jointly managed by its regional and municipal government and employs 600 professionals across health and social sectors; early investments in stakeholder relationships and trust building were essential for securing the future of the initiative and developing a foundation based on teamwork; finding the uniting objective of improving care for elderly people enabled stakeholders to move forward with planning; contextualizing the initiative within emerging political priorities helped generate political support and secure the necessary legal frameworks; identifying individual ...

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Sept. 7, 2016 Europe

Introducing palliative care in Serbia

The Ministry of Health established the Palliative Care Task Force and adopted the National Strategy for Palliative Care to guide the development of palliative care across Serbia; partnerships with international organizations, local NGOs and supportive government actors helped secure buy-in at the national level; developing a legislative and political base was essential for creating a foundation on which to build the initiative; securing EU funding provided additional resources to support activities; incorporating a new palliative care philosophy within professional culture required extensive training, communication, advocacy and time; formalizing educational opportunities through university partnerships helped to ensure sustainability.

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Sept. 7, 2016 Europe

Integrating occupational therapy into cancer care in the Netherlands

Reade – an organization specializing in rehabilitative care – introduced a package of services specifically tailored to the needs of cancer patients and cancer survivors; support from Reade’s management in developing protocols and negotiating with national-level actors was essential for the implementation of the initiative; providers within Reade were brought together to apply their skills to treating the complex needs of cancer patients and survivors. Providers work in multidisciplinary teams to enable the delivery of more comprehensive care; initiative leaders built strong working relationships with external providers. This helped bring other providers on board with Reade’s new care concept and ...

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