A digest of successful transformation stories, news and other resources available on IntegratedCare4People.org
JICA Special Issue: Integrated Palliative and End of Life Care for People with Advanced Dementia or Frailty
This special issue now seems uncannily prescient in view of the devastating impact of COVID-19 on people with advanced dementia or severe frailty, particularly in care homes. The pandemic has heightened awareness of the possibility of a sudden and rapid transition from relative health to a palliative or end of life stage. This has opened up conversations about the potential burden from intensive treatments that are likely to be futile and the benefits of advance care planning.
The collection of papers in this special issue will be of interest to readers involved in planning, commissioning or delivering palliative and end of life care services for our most vulnerable citizens at this time, whether at home or in a hospital, care home or hospice.
Developing Family Medicine and Primary Care Worldwide through Global Collaboration and Co-learning
Dr. Clayton Dyck, Medical Education and Training Lead for the Besrour Centre for Global Family Medicine, in Canada, talks about how the Besrour Centre strives to foster the spirit of global collaboration and co-learning with the aim of developing family medicine and primary care worldwide to improve health outcomes.
Healthcare Professionals' Perceptions of Community-Based Rehabilitation in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
People with disabilities continue to experience challenges with access to healthcare. Community-based rehabilitation is an approach that advocates for equal opportunities and social inclusion of people with disabilities to enhance their quality of daily life. Healthcare professionals are crucial in the implementation of community-based rehabilitation. However, little is known about the perception of healthcare professionals on this approach to rehabilitation in South Africa.
This study aimed to explore the perception of healthcare professionals in KwaZulu-Natal on community-based rehabilitation to understand their experience and address the gaps in the implementation of successful programmes in our communities.
IFIC Scotland Integrated Care Matters: Build Back Better Webinar Series
The new report from the International Foundation for Integrated Care (IFIC), Realising the true value of integrated care describes the steps we must take to create a radically different future beyond Covid-19. The report is a powerful call to reset our compass to a new reality based on solidarity and collaboration for population health.
IFIC Scotland and partners will explore this new future in series 5 of their Integrated Care Matters webinars.
Integrated Healthcare Systems Response Strategies based on the Louhu Model during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Shenzhen
This paper presents the response strategies and experiences of an integrated healthcare system in Shenzhen, a city in eastern China, during the COVID-19 pandemic. The integrated service delivery model on which the system is based is known as the Luohu model.
These response strategies have played an important role in limiting community transmission and slowing the outbreak. The experience in Shenzhen may help other cities in enhancing and coordinating the preparedness of their health-care systems in dealing with future public health emergencies.
(c) 2021 Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública S.A. (Andalusian School of Public Health - WHO Collaborating Centre)
Cuesta del Observatorio 4, 18011
Granada, Spain
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