Newsletter 3
December 2019
A digest of successful transformation stories, news and other resources available on

The spirit of the declaration of Astana 
The Declaration of Astana, unanimously endorsed by all WHO Member States over a year ago, reaffirms the historic 1978 Declaration of Alma-Ata that laid a foundation for primary health care. The new Declaration aims to refocus efforts on primary health care to ensure that everyone everywhere is able to enjoy the highest possible attainable standard of health. Make health for all a reality…  

Primary Health Care: The Engine to Universal Health Coverage, by Sergio Minué 

UHC shouldn´t be a luxury that only high-income countries can afford. There is a need to prioritize primary health care as the route to universal health coverage. PHC is the most efficient way of using available resources in health services, ensuring effective interventions are delivered at the lowest cost within the health system.

Strengthening national health research systems in the WHO African Region - progress towards universal health coverage
Health challenges and health systems set-ups differ, warranting contextualised healthcare interventions to move towards universal health coverage. As such, there is emphasis on generation of contextualized evidence to solve local challenges. However, weak research capacity and inadequate resources remain an impendiment to quality research in the African region. 

Release of USAID ASSIST publications on promoting IPCHS in Mali and South Africa 
The Integrated Health Services (formerly Service Delivery and Safety) department has collaborated with the USAID Applying Science to Strengthen and Improve Systems (ASSIST) Project to contribute to the development of integrated and people-centred health services (IPCHS) in different contexts and settings, including South Africa and Mali.

New resources on person-centred care
The Gothenburg University Centre for Person-centred Care (GPCC) has launched two initiatives to help professionals start working in a person-centred way: a free online training course in English, focusing on how person-centred care can be used to support professional practice in any specific contexts, and the PCC Game APP, a new and amusing way of learning, available for free download in English.

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(c) 2019 Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública S.A. (Andalusian School of Public Health - WHO Collaborating Centre)
Cuesta del Observatorio 4, 18011
Granada, Spain

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