Newsletter 20
July 2023
A digest of successful transformation stories, news and
other resources available on
UN General Assembly High-Level Meetings on health 2023: Universal Health Coverage
The UN High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) 2023, to take place next September at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA), will provide an opportunity for mobilising the highest political support to accelerate progress towards delivering health for all.
With the overall theme UHC: expanding our ambition for health and well-being in a post-COVID world, the High-Level Meeting will focus on two panels: what is primary health care approach and why does it matter; and aligning our investments for health and well-being.
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Access Declaration of Astana
Civil society feedback on the Zero Draft of the 2023 Political Declaration on UHC
Following the release of the zero draft of the Political Declaration on Universal Health Coverage to be presented for review and adoption at the UN High-Level Meeting next September, the Civil Society Engagement Mechanism launched a survey to collect civil society feedback in an effort to strengthen the zero draft and Political Declaration.
This feedback has underlined priorities and areas of the zero draft that need strengthening and consideration.
Transnational Forum on Integrated Community Care (TransForm)
The Transnational Forum on Integrated Community Care (TransForm) is a learning coalition of philanthropic foundations in Europe and Canada that came together in 2018 with the aim to put the community at the centre of primary care and integrated care.
Through a series of research activities, including a mapping of existing Integrated Community Care (ICC) practices in Europe and Canada, international conferences that included several site visits, and workshops, TransForm has identified, together with academics, decision-makers, practitioners, people with lived experience, and citizens, the foundations of ICC – its key values, principles, ingredients, challenges and facilitators.
Population healh management in primary health care: a proactive approach to improve health and well-being: primary health care policy paper series
This publication identifies key success factors at the system, organizational and clinical levels to enable population health management in Primary Health Care (PHC). It includes 12 country examples from across the WHO European Region showing how population health management is used in PHC. The publication provides a set of 16 policy actions to help PHC providers move towards a population health management approach, which are classified following the PHC levers of the WHO Operational Framework for Primary Health Care.
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Regional framework on the future of primary health care in the Western Pacific
Regional Framework on the Future of Primary Health Care (PHC) was adopted by Member States at the seventy-third session of the Regional Committee for the Western Pacific in 2022. The framework outlines five key attributes of PHC including people and community-centered, continuous, high-quality and equitable, integrated, and innovative. It highlights five strategic areas of actions needed which pivot around models of service delivery, individual and community empowerment, workforce and provider base, financing, enabling and supportive environment to enable this transformation. It calls on critical health system transformation for the future to achieve Universal Health Coverage and Sustainable Development Goals.
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How can Ireland mpobilise social care community networks across the island to better support people to live healthily and "age in place" throughout the life course?
This report assesses Ireland’s preparedness to deliver healthy ageing and help older people age in place; analyses the important role of the community and voluntary sector in addressing gaps and supporting the evolving needs of ageing populations; and provides policy recommendations, built on evidence, to improve and ensure the access of older people to care in their own communities, thus, placing integrated community care at the centre of positive ageing strategies.
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Any IPCHS-related news worthy to share?