A digest of successful transformation stories, news and other resources available on IntegratedCare4People.org
Integrated Care in Europe: Time to Get it Together?
Integrated care has become a term adopted across the world, underpinning a positive attitude toward defragmentation of service provision inside health and social systems.
This article explores the current narrative and summarises the main issues related to integrated care. Authors draw lessons for Europe and offer some recommendations in the perspective of a long-term harmonization in the European Union.
Adoption of the concept of person-centred into discourse in Europe: a systematic literature review
This study aims to describe how person-centred care, as a concept, has been adopted into discourse in 23 European countries in relation to their healthcare systems.
It's been two years since the Political Declaration on Universal Health Coverage was adopted by world leaders who agreed that everyone in every country should be able to receive all the good quality health care that they need without suffering financial hardship.
Since then, UHC2030 has been monitoring each country's progress towards this goal, and now invite you to share your story and experiences of healthcare in your country.
Introducing Maria, a persona who will travel with us throughout the life of the PROCare4Life project, an initiative that aims to promote the quality of life for older adults.
In this series of animations we follow Maria and her informal caregivers as she begins to use the PROCare4Life app as advised by health and care professionals. The PROCare4Life system is recommended to Maria’s group of friends of the same age who have other neurological and chronic diseases.
Maria is a 67-year-old retired teacher who lives alone, is very independent and connected to her family.
Navigate Your Health: A Case Study of Organisational Learnings from an Integrated Care Pilot for Children and Young People in Care
Three peak organisations in Queensland partnered with consumers and other health and social sector partners to co-design and pilot the first known integrated, health navigation model to improve outcomes for children and young people in care in Australia.
Findings highlighted the agency partners’ drive to foster a more integrated and person-centred approach to care. The pilot’s aim of improving health outcomes for a vulnerable population were achieved through a co-designed process which provided additional insights regarding partnerships, improvement, scalability and sustainability.
The Besrour Centre for Global Family Medicine is excited to announce the FM Pivot learning module "Finding Great Research Questions in Pandemics and Other Crises: An introduction for family medicine researchers" is now available at www.fmpivot.ca. This module aims to build research skills and capacity amongst community-based family doctors and trainees.
The FM Pivot initiative is a series of 5 modules that aims to apply global experiences from the COVID-19 pandemic. Each FM Pivot module is developed by Canadian Primary Care Lead and an International Primary Care Lead to highlight mutual learning and to establish new forms of collaborative leadership (Integrated Care Framework Strategy 5.1). These modules will serve as a co-learning platform to strengthen the skills of family doctors and primary care providers around the world (Integrated Care Framework Strategy 3.3).
Implementation of Patient-Centred Care: Which System-Level Determinants Matter from a Decision Maker's Perspective?
The healthcare system is characterised by a high degree of complexity and involves various actors at different institutional levels and in different care contexts. To implement patient-centred care successfully, a multidimensional consideration of influencing factors is required.
This qualitative study aimed to identify system-level determinants of patient-centred care implementation from the perspective of different health and social care organisations.
(c) 2021 Escuela Andaluza de Salud Pública S.A. (Andalusian School of Public Health - WHO Collaborating Centre)
Cuesta del Observatorio 4, 18011
Granada, Spain
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