Nov. 26, 2019
Engaging and empowering people and communities, Strengthening governance and accountability, Reorienting the model of care, Coordinating services within and across sectors, Creating an enabling environment
Release of USAID ASSIST publications on promoting IPCHS in Mali and South Africa
The Integrated Health Services (formerly Service Delivery and Safety) department has collaborated with the USAID Applying Science to Strengthen and Improve Systems (ASSIST) Project to contribute to the development of integrated and people-centred health services (IPCHS) in different contexts and settings, including South Africa and Mali.
In Mali, work to improve the adoption of people-centred approaches in clinical consultations by health providers during pregnancy and delivery has been undertaken in collaboration with the Ministry of Health. In South Africa, collaboration has focused on HIV, and specifically, on how to promote patient-centredness in HIV services.
Reports describing both collaborations have been recently released.