SPICT International Conference 2018: Changing practice, promoting research and learning together
The inaugural SPICT International Conference will be held on 2 February 2018 in Edinburgh, UK. It aims to share the experience between international teams that use the "Supportive and Palliative Care Indicators Tool" (SPICT) to identify patients approaching the end of their life, in order to improve access to palliative care.
The conference will:
- Review the evidence base for the SPICT™ 2017
- Demonstrate how SPICT™ is being used in the UK, Europe and across the world
- Highlight innovations in patient identification and care planning using SPICT™ and related resources
- Share our experiences in research, development and education
- Plan further developments ...
2/02/18 - 2/02/18 Teviot Row House, Bristo Square, The University of Edinburgh United Kingdom