GPCC Person-centred Care Arena webinar 1: Person-centred care in Europe
A co-ordinated care based on the patient's resources is advocated internationally by, among others, the World Health Organization. Person-centred care is one way of achieving this goal. But while person-centred care has been a buzz word for some time, how person-centred is European health care in reality? And what are the obstacles to and enablers for Europe becoming more person-centred? Speakers: Ulrika Winblad, Professor of Health Services Research, Uppsala university, Sweden Eric Carlström, Professor in Health Care Sciences, Leadership and Organization, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden Margareta Haag, Chair Swedish Network Against Cancer and member of GPCC's Person Council for Patients and Relatives/Carers Joakim Öhlén, Professor and Centre Director, University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-centred Care - GPCC, Sweden
Registration now open. Information on how to join the webinar will be sent out nearer to the date.
Event detail
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- Sweden