is a website built up and supported by its users. This means that every user can register and contribute to all parts of the platform. In order to guarantee that all the information it contains and receives is relevant and of high quality, this editorial policy will be applied to help us assess all the content submitted and proposed for upload.
We distinguish three steps in the editorial process:
We envision that you will receive a response within two weeks of sending your request for a new community, or until the publication of your resource or practice.
All knowledge generated on the web platform, in the form of practices, communities and other features, is governed by a Creative Commons License. You can find more information about the copyright in the Terms of Use.
All content on the need to meet the following inclusion criteria. All resources, practices and communities need to be:
We distinguish three steps in the editorial process: offers through syndicated content updates of all our sections automatically and for your convenience in your RSS reader. Please, feel free to subscribe here.