Spreading change: A guide to enabling the spread of person- and community-centred approaches for health and wellbeing
This guide outlines how behavioural science can help spread the take-up of person- and community-centred approaches to health and wellbeing.
Key findings
- The guide uses the EAST framework to organise ideas and examples. The core message of EAST is that if you want to encourage a behaviour, you should make it Easy, Attractive, Social and Timely.
- The guide features a number of low-tech, pragmatic and manageable activities which can increase the spread of person- and community-centred health and wellbeing programmes.
This action-focused guide is part of the NHS England-funded Realising the Value programme, which seeks to develop person- and community-centred approaches for health and wellbeing. The programme is doing so by building the evidence base and developing tools, resources and networks to support the spread and impact of these approaches.
It is aimed at people who champion these approaches in health and social care, in other statutory bodies and in ...